A new female coin collector of the 18th century: Katherine Blount (née Butler) – Andrew Burnett

We can now identify a new addition to the relatively small number of female coin collectors of the past. Katherine Blount (née Butler) (1676-1752) had an extensive collection of over a thousand coins, mostly Roman and British, as described in the fairly detailed inventory made of her collection after her death. 

Picture is more difficult as, despite consulting experts, we have been unable to find the Kneller portrait which is mentioned in the literature. Perhaps we could consider a page from the Inventory?

One thought on “A new female coin collector of the 18th century: Katherine Blount (née Butler) – Andrew Burnett

  1. Dear Chris

    Maybe we don’t need para 2 in the emails?!

    Also perhaps add the author’s name somewhere?!

    All b


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